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Beneath the Microscope

I don't know if you've read my blog on what it takes to be ready for a job interview, if you haven't well you're in luck bec...

Monday 15 August 2016


She was the only girl and since she was casualmanda, a nickname she was given by her bully brothers, she wasn’t really treated in any special way, just the usual way a last child would be treated. She hadn’t earned it. She wasn’t exceptionally pretty. As a matter of fact, she was pretty ordinary. She was one of the pack, her father’s pet, her brother’s prey and her mom’s pet project.

Her mom refused to believe she was not girly enough to want to do all the girly things she wanted. Whenever her mom wanted to go to the boutique, Marylyn just wanted to stay home. When mom wanted to go to the saloon, Marylyn just wanted to stay home. When mom wanted to go grocery shopping, Marylyn just wanted to stay home. So basically, she just wanted to be at home all the time. 

She wasn’t lazy, on the contrary she was a really hardworking child and her mom was grateful for that every day since all her sons were too manly to want to assist her with any of the chores. Marylyn was simply a shy child who didn’t have much friends. She was the daughter of a rich man so there were always teens eager to be her friend but she just didn’t know how to communicate with them. 

She had drowned herself in her books so she had good grades and it was with these grades and hope that she had taken a bold step to walk up to her father on one fateful day to have ‘The Conversation’.

“Dad, good afternoon” She said as she entered his study. He looked over his reading glasses at her, causing him to take his attention off the prints on the daily newspaper he had been in the process of reading. She always wondered why he liked doing that. It made him look like some sort of professor. Her dad would have made a great professor due to his stern reputation in the house and in his profession.

He was a Surgeon, a renowned one who had won many awards and written even more books. She had never finished any of them. They were bombarded with so many biological names that her brain always turned to mush somewhere in the process of reading. 

He was a well-built man of 6ft 2inches and towered over her mother’s 5ft 7inches frame. He was blessed with a fair complexion which her brothers had inherited. In his days, he had been popular among his peers. On the contrary, her mom was a petite woman but was also a fair lady. She was also pretty.

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