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Monday 18 July 2016


Paradise park has been my first and only Iris Gower novel and I must say I've been wondering what else she has up her sleeves. Given my busy schedule I've not really had time to sit with a good novel handy but I'm making a resolution to get back to the good old days. I'm starting this addictive journey with a doze of Iris Gower, it has taken me a week to get to the end but it was worth it.
The novel was set in a time when the railway was a big deal, I wasn't even born then. The characters were so different from each other and that made them unique. Rhiannon, who was popular known as a whore in the past, was a determined character who readily wanted to pursue success that didn't require her opening her legs. She saved a young whore from a disastrous future as well, chatterbox Sal. The love of her life happened to be married to a good friend of hers, Kate. But Rhiannon and Bulk had a future that even I didn't know was possible. Paradise Park, the novel, is the name of a hotel that used to be Rhiannon's doom but ended up being her saviour. It was a whore house but she made it a respectable hotel with the help of people she came to know and love.

I'm looking forward to getting a hold of more of Iris Gower's novels. This was in Large Print by Chivers Large Print Direct, so don't be scared off by the 352 pages. It's worth your time, trust me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have carefully brought one Of the disturbing whisper in this present generation "scepticism"to the surface. You conveyed the idea as logically as possible *thumps up*

    1. I'm glad you agree with my approach to writing. I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks OG 😊

  3. Ride on,.. stay smooth!


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